Become a co-creator for our new products!

Sign up and learn more about our co-creator program!

Man sieht drei Frauen mit langen Haaren, welche nebeneinander auf einem Bett liegen. Ihre Beine strecken sie in die Luft. Man sieht drei Frauen mit langen Haaren, welche nebeneinander auf einem Bett liegen. Ihre Beine strecken sie in die Luft.
Eine Azur-grüne Fläche ist zu erkennen.
Eine Azur-grüne Fläche ist zu erkennen.

What is a co-creator

You are closely involved in the development of our new products! You test our products and provide us with your honest feedback, which we will incorporate into the product development. This is how we create products whose effectiveness is confirmed by users like you. It's worth getting involved. Also for you!

Eine Azur-grüne Fläche ist zu erkennen.
Eine Azur-grüne Fläche ist zu erkennen.

What you get out of it

Have you tried many products, but none of them really work as you hoped? Then this could be your chance to work with us to create a product that can be effective for your specific needs! Your skin will thank you, and so will we!

Eine Azur-grüne Fläche ist zu erkennen.
Eine Azur-grüne Fläche ist zu erkennen.

What we get out of it

Who could better determine the effectiveness of our products than you? We don't want to offer products based on gut feeling and good hope. Our goal is to develop the best possible products that truly work. For that, we need your feedback! By actively participating in the development of new products, we and all future users benefit immensely from your experiences and honest feedback.

Eine Azur-grüne Fläche ist zu erkennen.
Eine Azur-grüne Fläche ist zu erkennen.

Become part of the co-creator community!

Together, we are better! Become part of this strong community of dedicated co-creators who share our belief that even good solutions can always be improved. Provide new ideas, enhance existing products, or exchange thoughts with designers and product developers.

Example product test: How it works for you


You register as a co-creator

Fill out the form at the top of the page, and we will add you to our Co-Creator database. This way, we know you are generally interested and willing to actively participate as a Co-Creator in our next development.


We will contact you

As soon as a new product in our development department is ready to go through the Co-Creator program, we will contact you via email and ask if you currently have the interest and time to support us as a Co-Creator.


You will receive your test product

In the next step, we will send you your first test product by mail.


You test the product

You will test the products over a period of three to six weeks. If your test product runs out before the end of the testing period, we will, of course, send you a refill.


We will ask for your feedback

We will check in with you regularly (approximately every 2 weeks) to ask for your feedback. This will happen, for example, through surveys that we send you via email. In these surveys, we will ask you about various aspects such as the effectiveness, usability, and packaging of our products.


We evaluate the feedback of each Co-Creator

The feedback from each Co-Creator is immensely valuable to our product developers. Therefore, all feedback is continuously evaluated and incorporated into our developments and formulations. If a product changes based on your feedback, we will send you the new version for further testing.



If you are happy, we are happy too!

Become a Co-Creator now and be part of exciting new developments!

Sign up now and learn everything about our Co-Creator Program here!

Man sieht wie zwei Menschen Händchen halten. Die Menschen sind nicht zu sehen, nur der Ausschnitt ab den Handgelenken.