In a world characterized by constant comparison and perfectionism, many people find it difficult to accept themselves as they are. Insecurities and self-doubts about one's own abilities and self-esteem express themselves in the form of self-critical thoughts such as "I'm not athletic enough", "I'm not good enough" or "I keep making mistakes".
Self-love or self-acceptance?
A big topic these days is self-love. “Love yourself as you are” - not only is this easier said than done, but it can also seem quite overwhelming. Do you really have to love everything about yourself? The answer is no. But how about self-acceptance instead? Isn't it just as important to accept yourself and the avoidable "mistakes"?
This means self-acceptance
Self-acceptance does not involve denying or glossing over your own weaknesses or constantly focusing on the positive aspects. Rather, self-acceptance means being aware of your own imperfections, accepting them and still accepting yourself as a whole as you are. Your own weaknesses, but also strengths and unique characteristics included.
How do I accept myself as I am?
By celebrating and focusing on your strengths, you build your self-confidence. At the same time, it is important not to view weaknesses as deficits, but rather as areas in which you can grow and develop - if you want to.
Below we have tips that can strengthen self-acceptance:
self reflection

In order to develop self-acceptance, open and honest self-reflection is essential. In this you deal with the self-image you have of yourself, including strengths, weaknesses and self-doubt.
“How do I see myself?” Ask yourself this question and write down everything that comes to mind. It is important not to lie to yourself or sugarcoat yourself. Rather, you should be honest with yourself and approach the matter reflectively - this is the only way to really strengthen self-acceptance. “Weaknesses” can be identified without judging yourself. Everyone has areas they are good at and areas they could improve on. These can be accepted as an opportunity to develop and grow. They should not be seen as obstacles, but rather as opportunities to learn new skills and get to know yourself better.
These “weaknesses” can be divided into two categories:
1. Things you can't change (e.g. height)
2. Things to work on (e.g. athleticism, jealousy, etc.)
Become aware that the things that cannot be changed are part of your uniqueness and try to accept them. Focus on your “weaknesses” that can influence you and think about how you could address them. It is important to set realistic goals and recognize that you can develop and improve without having to be perfect. The focus should be on your own progress and personal development instead of constantly measuring yourself against unrealistic standards.
Visualize your own strengths

Especially if you are often plagued by self-doubt, it is important to keep your positive qualities in mind.
There is a simple, effective method to become aware of your own strengths. To do this, you can write yourself little pieces of paper with things you are good at, challenges you have overcome and qualities you like about yourself.
You can stick these pieces of paper on the mirror, on the front door or in other clearly visible places as desired.
Practicing self-compassion

Having flaws and weaknesses is completely normal, right?
Therefore, one should treat oneself with the same kindness and forbearance that one shows to others.
When you find yourself criticizing or judging yourself, it's important to remember that mistakes and weaknesses are part of being human. Everyone has them, including yourself - and that's okay!
Seeking support in the social environment

Talking to friends or family members about your own feelings and challenges is good.
Sharing your experiences and receiving support from others can help you feel less alone and more accepted. Sometimes it also helps to seek professional help such as coaching to promote your own self-acceptance.
This brings self-acceptance
It's perfectly okay not to love yourself, but to "just" find yourself okay. Self-acceptance is intended to promote a positive and healthy basic feeling about oneself, which strengthens self-esteem and a positive inner attitude.
When you accept yourself, you stop constantly comparing yourself to others and recognize the value of your own individuality. You become more confident in yourself and are less affected and influenced by comments or accusations from others.
Accepting yourself as you are is a continuous process. Progress and setbacks are completely normal and part of it. It's okay if things don't go as well as you'd hoped. Progress looks different for every person, every path is individual - just like you.